Can you make a speedpaint? You have such a unique style, I wonder how you do that
Can you make a speedpaint? You have such a unique style, I wonder how you do that
Simply incredible!
I really really like your art, but sometimes I can't help but wonder how do you sleep at night with an imagination like yours!
Also you post a lot of small animations lately, are you working on some project or just trying new art medium?
I've been wanting to start trying out animation for awhile now, I just finally decided to do it, but also I've been making them to spruce up my Artfight account! Also funny thing abt sleeping at night, I had a very vivid dream just last night that I was being tossed around by a demon that I drew and just posted lmao
It's been a while since you last posted! I hope everything is okay
Yeah, everything's fine!
Thank you, hope you're doing well, too.
Amazing! Really an intresting idea
wonderful art! I hope you'll get more recognition!
Aw shucks, ty!
You inspired me to sculpt again! Thank you a lot! Would be cool to see a guide from you
thank you so much!!! that means a lot to hear and i'd be happy to see what u make!! :] i'll try to see about putting one out soon but i'm always open to answer any questions too!!
I am so glad that I found your art! You choose such interesting themes and excel at every style you choose! And you like Tool as well? mad respect
Thank you very much, how kind of you to say. I hope to continue making interesting things for the future.
I am sorry for asking such a dumb question, but did you name your post after a Tool song?
Yes. It's one of my favorites and figured it would be a little funny to use here.
By the way, there is no such thing as a dumb question.
такой милый!!
спасибо :3
Age 21, Female
Joined on 12/21/23